My name's Catherine, and I'm a 30 something wife, blogger, and educator who lives in the Midwest with her fantastic husband, beloved greyhound dog and darling guinea pig.
A (P)interesting Year was an idea I brewed up while I pinning things on Pinterest as I fought a terrible cold. I loved (and love) pinning, but I realized that I rarely ever actually tried the things that I spent so much time looking at. I decided that my New Year's resolution for 2014 was to try a Pin a Day (or at least, a pin each weekday!) in some capacity. It can be a huge project, a quote, a recipe, a new housekeeping trick, or whatever else that catches my fancy on Pinterest. I want to go from a passive pinner to somebody who creates and tries new things! I hope to encourage others to do the same.
Here's my disclaimer, privacy policy, and disclosure.